About Us

Our Promise:
Creative. Responsive. Reliable.

We aim to be a trusted partner in all your marketing and event endeavors. We come with enthusiasm to the table, bringing smart, creative ideas that help shape your vision into reality.

We believe in honest, authentic communication. You can count on us to tell you the best way forward.

And we’re always on. Where here for you when you need us most.

Meet Our Founder

Gina M. Larson

Gina is an event marketing professional by way of journalism and teaching. She has worked in creative roles for 20+ years, contributing strong writing and strategic ideas that maximize impact for client projects. Her expertise spans various industries, including healthcare, finance, retail and cannabis. She plays a pivotal role in enhancing market positions through dynamic events and the creation of cross-platform, trust-building content for her clients.

In 2022, she took the entrepreneurial leap with the goal of bringing her extensive marketing and event experience to a wider audience through Brass Monkey Creative. She is also the Owner and Creative Director of Brass Monkey Home, a retail store in Cold Spring, NY that fuses global design with modern decor.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Gina enjoys skiing at her home mountain in VT, hiking with her 14-year-old puppy, and competing in triathlons.

Our Work

We’ve worked with these prestigious brands